some interesting reads


Which article grabs you?

I found the Richard Garfield interview was interesting, as well as
Tabletop Gaming and the Hypnic Jerk
What do you think?

BTW, any thoughts about the recent Supreme Court ruling about MSRPs, regarding the gaming industry? Check out Ryan Dancey's thoughts at
his blog

BTW, any thoughts about the recent Supreme Court ruling about MSRPs, regarding the gaming industry?

For the table-top and similar class gaming industry it is cute and cuddly. For the Borg-class EA, Nintendo, Sony, et al it is troublesome. When Microsoft gets on board and starts taking advantage it will start looking like the hideous gremlin that it really is.

There were legal ways to accomplish all the merits mentioned in Dancey's blog as things were before. It isn't always quick and easy but what ever worthwhile is?

Overall I'd say thumbs down.