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Hunkered down behind a handful of dice or stack of manuals? Itching to tap, flip, crank, roll, save, or measure? Discuss paper, board, card, and war gaming here.
152 | 2019 | 4 years 20 weeks ago by lurkinggherkin |
Have your sweaty palms shorted out a gamepad? Ever bandaged your thumbs to play for a few more hours? Spent another week unlocking everything? If you're a console or computer gamer, here's your chance to spout some bits.
20 | 157 | 12 years 19 weeks ago by lurkinggherkin |
Spurned by the likes of Quistis and the Evil Overlord of Gamegrene, The Off-Topickers hide out here, discussing and maligning a wide array of subjects ranging from irrevocably infantile to culturally confounding.
51 | 540 | 8 years 9 weeks ago by lurkinggherkin |
This forum is intended for maintenance items related to Gamegrene including bugfixes, mini-improvements, user complaints or suggestions, spam removals, and so forth.
21 | 192 | 5 years 21 weeks ago by lurkinggherkin |
Ninja Burger, a PDQ-based game about ninja who deliver hamburgers.
38 | 335 | 12 years 49 weeks ago by arvo |
there is a Voice inside your head
the Voice tells you things about the future, and the past things about yourself, and about other people sometimes good things, sometimes bad things and sometimes very, very bad things some people think you're losing your mind but the Voice says you're not losing the Voice says you're gaining Vox role-play experiment. In-character posts only. No specific rules. No limit on players. Freeform. Join in any time. E-mail aeon (at) with OOC questions. |
9 | 310 | 15 years 23 weeks ago by aeon |