Ninja Burger Recruitment (ie., Character Creation)


You should have received an email from me explaining this by now, but to reiterate the relevant points:

As of right now, the following people have expressed interest (however tentative) in the following career paths:

Arvo - Driver
Whutaguy - Deliverator
Lorthyne - Spotter or Deliverator (as well as helping to moderate)
Zipdrive - Chef
Axiomatic - none
Morbus - none
SBP - none

It would help the party if we had a balance of roles, but it's not mandatory and anything will work. However, for the people who have not yet chosen, I might suggest picking from the following options (see page 16 of the PDF, numbered page 10):

Another Deliverator (if Lorthyne wants Spotter) or a Spotter (if he chooses Deliverator)
Navigator (like Chewbacca to Han Solo)
Kunoichi (female assassin ninja)
Mahoutsukai (ninja magic expert; recommend only one)
Sales & Marketing (evil!)

Regardless of your Job Title, your primary mission is always the same - delivering food to customers. Drivers do not stay in the van all the time, and Chefs do not stay in the kitchen all the time. You will all be actively involved in the entire scenario at all times.

Once everyone has replied here to indicate that they a)received their PDF copy and b)have chosen a career path, we will go through character generation. You may do this independently but I will also review it here for all to see so you can wait if you want.

I call Kunoichi. I *call*.
(Nuh uh! I called it first!)


There is heroism and brute warfare on the ocean floor, unnoticed by land-dwellers. There are gods and catastrophes.
-"The Scar", China Mieville

I shall navigate, then!

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for thou art with me, thy compass and thy GPS, they confort me...

There is heroism and brute warfare on the ocean floor, unnoticed by land-dwellers. There are gods and catastrophes.
-"The Scar", China Mieville

I received a copy, thanks Aeon. Definitely up for driver.

Reading through my copy right now... a vegeterian chef is beckoning...

- reading a signature is silly -

Oh, and also, I have recieved the Pdf.

There is heroism and brute warfare on the ocean floor, unnoticed by land-dwellers. There are gods and catastrophes.
-"The Scar", China Mieville

Resummarizing based on above preferences, we get the following:

Arvo - Driver
Whutaguy - Deliverator
Lorthyne - Spotter or Deliverator (as well as helping to moderate)
Zipdrive - Chef (Vegetarian)
Axiomatic - Navigator
Morbus - Kunoichi
SBP - none

We can start the process without confirmation from SBP; I'll give him a bit longer to pop in.

Now, the process (which I'm doing publically to give the public a chance to see how the system works). Follow along on the Quick Play Reference Sheet (and pages 21-29); the reference sheet is either the first or the last sheet of the PDF, depending on the version you have.

1) Pick a Ninja Name. This is less crucial because we're doing this in posts, but it will still help if when you type things out you use your Ninja Name. This can be anything from a Japanese sounding name (Oroku Sake) to a code name/handle (Deadly Butterfly) to a simple nickname (Morby).

2-3) Pick a Job Title and Qualities. Most of you have already done this. For purposes of expedience, look at the Quick Play Qualities for your Job Title and write those down. If you wish, you can swap out any other quality you wish for any of those listed except Ninja.

For example, let's look at a Chef's Qualities:
Average [+0] Ninja,
Good [+2] Chef,
Good [+2] at Using Sharp Things,
Good [+2] at Handling Stress,
Poor [-2] Personal Hygiene.

Now, I want my Chef to instead be good with burning, not cutting. I also don't want him to be sweaty, necessarily; instead, he has a very short temper. So I redo my qualities like so:

Average [+0] Ninja,
Good [+2] Chef,
Good [+2] at Playing With Fire,
Good [+2] at Handling Stress,
Poor [-2] Hot Under the Collar.

The Qualities you choose can be anything you like, but should describe something that is fairly broad, so it'll come into play during the game. You can, if you wish, swap out your actual Job skill (in the above case, Chef); there's nothing that says you can't be a Chef without any skill as a chef. But you cannot swap out Ninja, as it's what you are.

4) Write a Background. In 50 words or less, describe what your character did before he worked for Ninja Burger. No more than 50 words. Don't overthink. Be funny but not ridiculous (we'll be playing in a fairly realistic world setting).

5) Element, Clan, Honor. For the purposes of our game, everyone will be from the same Clan, so don't pick a clan. One will be provided. For element, pick one of the six provided (Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Dark, Light), but for Matter of Honor, feel free to make something up if it's not on the chart.

In both cases, pick something appropriate to your character in each case, and don't try to min-max to avoid difficulties, because I'm too clever to allow you to get away with that and if your Matter of Honor is something like "Cannot ever break a pencil" then you'll be guaranteed to encounter pencils at every turn of every game.

When done, post your character here in this thread, in the format I'll be following momentarily.

Name: Leon "Flux" (last name unknown)

Job Title: Dispatcher

Average [+0] Ninja
Master [+6] Dispatcher
Poor [-2] Astigmatism

Flux worked as a dispatcher for a 911 call center for 35 years before he quit to look for something more challenging (i.e., he was downsized). Now, for half the pay and twice the hours as his old job, he is once again responsible for the lives of others.

Element: Light
Clan: Angry Turtle
Matter of Honor: "I will never give up on one of my teammates."

Name: "Morboko" Makabe (female)

Job Title: Kunoichi

Average [+0] Ninja
Good [+2] Creative Interpretation of Orders
Good [+2] Causing A Distraction
Good [+2] Customer Service
Poor [-2] Acting (Without Realizing How Bad She Is)

Morboko was once cast as a "beautiful person" in a popular Japanese soap opera but, after only a few weeks of hideously poor acting, she was fired (much to her astonishment). Soon thereafter, she moved to LA in hopes of breaking into the more appreciative American markets, but found herself drawn into an entirely different kind of customer service.

Element: Water
Clan: Angry Turtle
Matter of Honor: "I will never show fear."

Name: Hidoi "Kao" Shiteru

Job Title: Mahoutsukai

Average [0] Ninja
Good [+2] Ninja Magic
Good [+2] Making Hats From Any Materials
Good [+2] J-Turns
Poor [-2] Fear of Badly Fitting Accoutrements

Worked for ten years as a haberdasher and then another ten as a milliner before finding a cryptic note in the brim of one of his customer's hats, describing the attainment of mysterious magical powers and how to use them to further the aims, and alleviate the suffering, of mankind. But that section was kinda boring so he didn't read it, and instead became a burger ninja.

Element: Earth
Clan: Angry Turtle
Matter of Honor: "I will always obey subtle pressure from advertisements."

Name: Tadokoro "Bozo" Bozuko

Job Title: Spotter

Average [0] Ninja
Good [+2] Spotter
Good [+2] at Projectile Guidance
Good [+2] at Finding Use for Garbage
Poor [-2] at Standing Out

Bozo is a young man, only a few years out of high school. After graduation, spent several years working with the famous clown entertainer/comedian Banzai Breakshisnose, where he developed impressive juggling skills, among other things. However, after being fired by Banzai for his utter inability to stand out, Bozo was recruited by Ninja Burger for his extraordinary visual skills.

Element: Air
Clan: Angry Turtle
Matter of Honor: "I will always use weapons of opportunity"

"Who are we to believe/That these dreams are just naivé/When we've all disagreed from the start?"
-from the Simon & Garfunkel song, "Citizen of the Planet"

Name: Jinjiro "Hot Buns" Kitaro

Job Title: Chef

Average [0] Ninja
Good [+2] at using sharp things
Good [+2] at trivia and esoteric facts
Good [+2] at misusing computers
Poor [-2] compulsive pun-maker

A curious and somewhat short-tempered fella, Jinjiro joined the army in hopes of seeing new thing and kicking ass. Unfortunately ending up as a cook didn't really do much for his enjoyment or cooking skills.
swearing off meat after a spam-related accident, he was recruited by NB because, well, that's unclear.

Element: Fire
Clan: Angry Turtle
Matter of Honor: "I will never eat meat"

- reading this signature is silly -

Name: Hayaku Toru

Job Title: Driver

Average [+0] Ninja
Good [+2] Stunt Driver
Good [+2] Smooth Talker
Good [+2] Mechanic
Poor [-2] Navigator

Toru came from a large, loving, but somewhat poor family. He inherited his love of cars and motorcycles from his father. His first job was as a motorycle courier, but having the directional sense of a drunken pirate, he was soon fired. His likeable nature and a series of fortuitous events landed him a job as a movie stunt driver. Ninja Burger is Toru's night job.

Element: Earth
Clan: Angry Turtle
Matter of Honour: I will always stop if I run over an animal.

Waiting for two more characters, looks like:

Whutaguy - Deliverator
Axiomatic - Navigator

Arvo - Driver RECEIVED
Lorthyne - Spotter RECEIVED
Zipdrive - Chef RECEIVED
Morbus - Kunoichi RECEIVED
SBP - Mahoutsukai RECEIVED

Name: Haruko Takashi

Job Title: Navigator

Average [+0] Ninja
Good [+2] Perception
Good [+2] Intimidation
Good [+2] Navigation
Poor [-2] Gullible

Background: Following the promise she made to her dying father, Harkuo tried to follow in his footsteps by becoming an interrogation specialist. She was fired for believing everything her subjects told her and joined Ninja Burger instead. Occasionally she does try to get directions by playing "Good Ninja, Bad Ninja" with passers by.

Element: Fire
Clan: Angry Turtle
Matter of Honour: "I will never turn down a dare."

There is heroism and brute warfare on the ocean floor, unnoticed by land-dwellers. There are gods and catastrophes.

-"The Scar", China Mieville

Name: Skipito Friskito
Job Title: Deliverator
Average [+0] Ninja
Good [+2]Corporate Lackey
Good [+2] Extreme Sportster
Good [+2] Deliverator
Poor [-2] Impulse Control.
Element: Light
Clan: Angry Turtle

Background: Raised as the youngest child in a family of Nepitistic NinjaBurger Corporate types, Skipitos every activity whim was indulged, from skateboarding to skydiving. After starting in the mailroom at the NBI corporate offices, he switched names on some records sentencing some qualified deliverator to corporate life and enabling him to become a "DELIVERATOR OF LEGEND".
Matter of Honor: He attends Catholic Services every holy day

Poor at Standing Out? Is it just me or does that not really seem like a disadvantage for this character..

I can work with it. I have something in mind.

(pinky to mouth)

My thinking on this was that being a spotter not only entails looking out for obstacles, but in removing them. Someone who doesn't stand out well is going to have a hard time creating a divirsion. Yes, he can astound (distract) bystanders with his amazing juggling skills, but he has to get their attention first. I can make a change, if neccessary.

"Who are we to believe/That these dreams are just naivé/When we've all disagreed from the start?"
-from the Simon & Garfunkel song, "Citizen of the Planet"

Not necessary. We can work with it.

Name: Rin Tatsuya
Job Title: Navigator
Average [+0] Ninja
Good [+2] Navigation
Good [+2] Observation
Good [+2] Computer Hacking/Tech
Poor [-2] Following Orders

Background: Rin was born and bred in N.Y.C. where her paratents owned and taught in a martial arts school. She started driving taxis in the city but was fired repeatedly for trafic offenses. She would drive 'alternative routes' i order to get her customers to their destination on time. (Including sidewalks, watermains, bridge tops.... that sort of thing.) After deciding that her talents were never going to be appreciated in N.Y.C. she decided to move to Calf. where no one knows how to drive anyway.

Element: Water
Clan: Angry Turtle
Matter of Honor: I will never let anyone see me cry.
