Personal news


For those interested, I just wanted to share the Fact that I'm now a completely new, 0-XP 1st level Father.

My boy (who could be named by rolling a d20 on a favorite names list) is 2.9 Kgs and 100% Homo-Sapiens (I wonder what bonus feat he'll take.

Zipdrive out.

Congratulations! I hope someday to be a father myself, but definitely not yet.
Hopefully you'll have a little more xp next time you pop one out ;)
Mazel tov! Isn't that what they say in Israel?

Congrats Zip!

I bet you'll go up levels faster than a group of adolescent min-maxers. Looks good on you.


Congratulations! Kiss your sleeping patterns goodbye ;-)

Thanks guys, I will appreciate your greetings as I slowly descend to insomnia-induced madness :)

Congrats to you. My cat says, "mrow!"